Proudly Serving Western Siskiyou County Since 1896

Great News for Broadband in Siskiyou County
California Department of Technology partners with Siskiyou Telephone to build 163 miles of fiber as part of the California Middle-Mile Broadband Initiative... Learn more

What’s it like to be a small
rural independent incumbent
service provider, serving
Western Siskiyou County?

Here’s our story, in 5-1/2 mins
(watch in full screen mode
to enjoy the views!) 

The Best GiG in Town!

Take your home or business internet to the next level! 

Blazing fast internet speeds - NEWLY upgraded (up to 1000 Mbps) at popular rates.

Get all the details here!

*Requires telephone service. All speeds referenced are based on sync rate and are "best effort", and may vary and are not guaranteed. Upload speed served by DSL is up to 1.5 mbps. Upload speeds in areas served by Fiber-To-The-Premises (FTTP) Ethernet service (where facilities permit) are the same as the package's download speed. Some DSL speeds not available in all areas.

Your Voice Matters! If you live in a location that does not yet have fiber to the premises, please take our short survey to support State and Federal Fiber Broadband construction funding in your area.

Free Community Wi-FiBER

Free 30-minute Wi-Fi internet access at local businesses in Fort Jones, Etna, Happy Camp and Callahan, powered and provided by Siskiyou Telephone. 

Join our network and Try Why Fiber is better!

How can we help you?

